Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation joins with Rain Forest Connection (RFCx), USA to conserve Forests and Wildlife
Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation, the pioneer National Ecotour
ism Society of Sri Lanka that established 25 years ago has
collaborated with Rain Forest Connection, USA, a world authori
ty in conservation of rain forests and wildlife parks in supporting
of their global efforts. Through this collaboration Sri Lanka
forests and wildlife parks also would immensely
conservation of biodiversity and protecting of forests and
national parks from illegal logging and poaching.
Rainforest Connection (RFCx) builds and deploys scalable,
open acoustic monitoring systems that can halt illegal logging
and poaching, and biodiversity measurement and monitoring.
System. Deforestation which accounts for 17% of all global
carbon emissions and affects. Rain Forests are protecting the
Earth's largest carbon sinks that we need in order to have a
stable atmosphere.
The primary business of the Rain Forest Connection (RFC) is to
develop soundscape data for conservation. RFC has installa
tions in 38 countries. Rainforest Connection (RFCx) uses their
'Guardian System' to help protect forests and wildlife from illegal
logging and poaching. Part of this system with hardware with
solar-powered acoustic streaming device that is placed in
tree-top canopies, with a highly sensitive external microphone
that captures all ambient sound within 3 SKM depending on the
source of the sound. Rain forests' rich biodiversity is incredibly
important to our well-being and the well-being of our planet.
Rainforests help regulate our climate and provide us with
The RFCx monitoring system gives its partners the opportunity
to protect key rainforest areas and respond to real-time alerts,
while sharing large amounts of ecosystem data that help
negotiate increased protections in the forests and national parks.
Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation has developed a proposal to
be forwarded to the authorities of Forests and Wildlife in Sri
Lanka with a view to save our forests and wildlife resources with
the help of RFC.
Topher White, Founder, Rainforest Connection