He further went on to say 'that ecotourism
does not need big investments to build star class hotels all over the country but could be developed
in small lands belonging to the communities and the government' While commending the contribution
rendered by Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation (SLEF) in promoting ecotourism in Sri Lanka during past
14 years amidst a lot of difficulties and challenges, he stressed that promoting this form of tourism
could establish a healthy and sustainable tourism fabric in Sri Lanka.
The EBD Award Ceremony was organized by Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation (SLEF) to award certificates
to the16 (sixteen) participants who have successfully completed the Certificate programme.
Mr. Nizam Lantra, EBD Course Director and the Senior Vice-President of SLEF gave an overview of the EBD
Programme and informed the gathering that SLEF is the only organization in Sri Lanka which conducts this
sort of academic progrmmes to widen the horizons and the knowledge base of Ecotourism. He noted that
Sri Lanka Tourism, in appreciating the contribution made by SLEF, has awarded the SLEF the 'Best Initiative
for Ecotourism Research, Training & Education' for two consecutive years.
Palitha Gurusinghe, President of Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation thanked Mr. Samarnayake for his untiring efforts
in promoting tourism education in Sri Lanka. Because of his efforts and dedication, Sri Lanka tourism and
others could conduct many educational programmes today at the present Hotel School Building, built in this
prime location, when he was the Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourist Board. Palitha also recollected his memories
in the student's movement in early '60s and fondly remembered his association with the late Dharmasiri
Senanayake, former Minister of Tourism and one time Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourist Board, who was a close
friend of Mr. Samaranayake, both ardent promoters of Ecotourism Sri Lanka.
Ms. Arosha Jayasundara, EBD Participant who topped the list at the final examination, proposed the vote of thanks.